Saturday, August 2, 2014

In Reflection

For the last couple of days I've spent a great deal of time reflecting on my month long adventure. On top of learning a great deal about myself, my philosophy on life has changed. It's amazing on how much a month abroad can test every fibre of who you are. With this post, I'd like to share a thing or two I've learned about myself and put forth my newfound ideals on how to live happily. It's my earnest hope that what I share here will be useful to someone else besides myself. In the end, isn't that what life is all about? Sharing what's within your heart and giving yourself to others? I think so at least.

The moment I landed in St. Petersburg, I immediately felt out of my element. Never before had I experienced something so different; a new language, land, and people. Each and every day brought something new. What I thought I knew about myself and the world was proved wrong on countless occasions. Whenever a challenge presented itself, I decided to stand up and face it. Yes, not everything went smoothly and the outcome would often be imperfect. Regardless of failure or success I acknowledged the fact that I had enough courage to face whatever was in front of me. You can do the same. Whatever the obstacle may be, find the courage within yourself to face it. Because once you do, I promise you'll be proud of the outcome. Just like me, you'll learn something new about yourself and the world around you.

Having the opportunity to see the world and learn something new everyday is an incredible experience. An experience I'm eternally grateful to have had. Without the support of my family and friends this trip wouldn't have been possible. I can't say thank you enough. Once I landed on the tarmac in Atlanta, I had a sudden realization. I realized how much I cherish life. Our lives are terribly short in the grand scheme of things. Therefore, I encourage you to enjoy each and every day and see the world. Pick a place on the map and just go. The world is your oyster. 

One of my newly founded outlooks on life is the removal of negativity. Because life is such a short ride I see no point in being negative. Honestly, what have I got to complain about? Being stuck in traffic? Fresh Market running out of my favorite foods? Nonsense. While I'm complaining about ridiculous things someone else in the world is living on only $1 a day. Now, I do my utmost to wake up and remain positive every day. Once I put that into perspective, a lot of things changed. On top of not being negative personally, I wouldn't want anyone else to live with that mindset either. Now I've made it a personal mission of mine to have a positive affect on someone else's life. This acts as a perfect bridge to my final point.

As I mentioned at the beginning of this post, I feel that life is all about sharing what's within yourself and giving your heart to others.  Whenever I've put my heart into something I've gotten something great in return. Even if I were to not receive something in return, I'm still happy knowing I tried to make a difference. There was one moment on my trip that I'll never forget. During dinner on the cruise an older Russian gentleman sat down next to us. We began chatting with him and eventually he told us his life's story. At one point he said one of the truest things I've ever heard. If you think about it, the world is a really small place. All the world needs is love. Call it an unrealistic way of looking at things or whatever you like. I'm willing to give it a shot. The conversation with our friend eventually ended and he gave us all a big Russian bear hug. Just what you would imagine too.

Although I've learned many other things over the last month, I feel these are the most important. They will stick with me for the rest of my life. I'm sure of that. Hopefully I've been able to share something positive with you as my Russian friend did with me. I wish you the best. On that note, I bid you adieu.